Brave Endeavors was Born From Failure


Brave Endeavors was born from failure. 

I was 37. I was living in Hood River, OR and had been teaching in the classroom for 12 years when I was informed that in order to maintain my job I needed to add 1 section of math to my current teaching load. 
As much as I hate fulfilling the stereotype - I was the kid who always excelled on the athletic field and struggled in the classroom, especially anything related to math and multiple choice tests. Not for lack of effort, but modern math instruction has never clicked. I could write essays for days but mess up the most simple of multiple choice questions. When I was applying for college, my SAT scores increased by 300 points when I was able to take them untimed. So you can imagine my dread when I heard that not only would I need to teach a math class, but pass a math multiple choice test as well. Welcome to my double kryptonite. But the athlete in me has always loved a challenge. I played Div 1 lacrosse in College, earned All-American status, and raced mountain bikes at the professional level for five years. “I’ve got this freaking math test,” I told myself and went to work. I studied my ass off. I did every single practice problem available, worked with a math tutor, the whole deal. I went into the test feeling prepared. 



I doubled down. I studied harder. Spent more hours with a math tutor. I took the test again. Failed. 


More tears. 

I gave the test one more solid effort. Third time’s a charm right? Not for me. I failed again. Not only was whatever ego I had left crushed, but my pay was reduced and my health benefits cut. And then I realized, I never wanted to teach that math class anyway!

So I quit. I left my job. I didn’t have a plan, but I had a passion.

My passion is to help others to feel confident in their mind, in their body, and on the bike. Thus, Brave Endeavors was born. Born from failure.

I founded Brave Endeavors to provide an opportunity for failure in a safe space. Brave Endeavors believes mountain biking is an analogy for life. And as we progress on the bike, we progress in our lives. All Brave Endeavors clinics start with mindset. We put on our helmets, adopt a beginners mindset and start moving forwards. 

Today, Brave Endeavors offers Kid MTB Programs, Adult Skills Clinics, Women’s specific tech clinics, Women’s MTB Retreats and on line strength training, specifically for mountain biking!

If my story resonates, or if you’d like to participate in a BE program, I’d love to have you join us! Sign up for the Brave Endeavors Newsletters, join a Mountain Bike or Strength Training Program!

  • Bekah

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