More Confidence. More Fun.
MTB Programs in Hood River, OR
2025 Kid Programs are Open for Registration!
4 Pillars of Brave Endeavors Kid Programs
Brave Endeavors is more than a mountain bike camp. Kids participate in deliberate confidence building through journaling, small group discussions, and drawing analogies between mountain biking and life. Sometimes literally drawing! All Brave Endeavors kids programs incorporate 4 pillars of success:
Small Groups. 2. Journaling. 3. Confidence building. 4. Fun!
Scholarships are available for kids in need. Click HERE to apply.
Small Groups and Individual Attention. All groups are capped at 8 kids with 1 head coach and an assistant. This high coach to rider ratio ensures kids receive plentiful individual attention, always have a chance to share their thoughts, ask questions, and receive personalized feedback regarding their MTB skills.
Confidence building. Brave Endeavors programs create a culture of positivity and safety. We have group discussions around fear of failure, crashing, comparisons, positive vs negative thinking, and mental strength training. Kids are not pressured, but bravery is contagious and often kids (and adults) will progress much faster in a group than when riding solo.
Fun. Teaching a love of the outdoors, exploration, curiosity, and fun are at the center of all Brave Endeavors kid programs. If it's not fun, there's no point. This does not mean it's all shuttles and Scandinavian Swimmers (my favorite candy kids are able to earn). Kids will struggle, crash, push themselves, and there may be tears. But my goal is for every kid, at the end of the day to finish their ride and say they had fun!
Journaling. All programs set time aside each day to journal. These 5-15 minutes of quiet reflection followed by share outs helps kids understand that mountain biking is an analogy for life and as we improve on the bike we progress in our lives. Journaling also creates time for kids to reflect and have a moment of stillness in an often loud and chaotic world. Journal topics will range from "Describe your ideal day when you're 25" to "draw your ideal bike or trail" to "What's a challenge in your life that you can turn into an advantage?" All riders receive a custom journal this year!
Kid MTB Programs
Little Pedalers
4-5 year olds. Beginner - Intermediate. He/She/They. NO STRIDERS PLEASE!
Designed for kids 4-5 years old who are on pedal bikes! Little Pedalers is designed to help kids build comfort on the bike and learn the foundational skills of balance, brake control, and trail awareness. Riders will work towards standing and coasting with even (pancake) pedals, riding on dirt, over small trail obstacles and consistent controlled braking with hand brakes.
Requirements: Kids should be able to ride a pedal bike unassisted and be comfortable cruising around on pavement or grass. If kids are still learning to balance on their bike they are not yet ready for this program!
Expected Trails: Timber Cruise, Cake Walk, 1st Grade, Playground
Program will take place at Family Man and/or Golden Eagle Bike Park, weather dependent.
Little Pedalers Summer:
June 16th - 18th. 9am - 1pm. (with 2 hr add on option!)
Little Pedalers Spring After School:
Tuesday Program: 3:30-5:30 May 6th - June 3rd
Wednesday Program: 4:00-6:00 May 7th - June 4th
2. Little Rippers
4-5 year olds. He/She/They. Intermediate - Advanced. NO STRIDERS PLEASE!
A step up from Little Pedalers and designed for kids who are comfortable on their bike and looking to advance their skills with a group of ambitious young riders!
Requirements: Little Rippers should meet one or more of the following criteria: 1) Comfortable standing on pedals with feet level (pancake pedals)
2) Comfortable riding down steep pitches such as the first hill by the Klee drops or the start ramp to 1st grade.
3) Comfortable riding over small rocks or roots.
4) Can carry speed with control and are interested in riding faster.
5) Brake with hand brakes only (no feet).
Expected Trails: Playground, 1st Grade, Honor Roll, Field Day, 3rd Grade, 1st Klee drop.
Program will take place at Family Man and/or Golden Eagle Bike Park, weather dependent.
3. Brave Beginnings
For 6-8 year olds or 1st-3rd grade. Beginner - Intermediate. He/She/They.
Designed for kids who are new or newer to mountain biking and looking to build more confidence on the bike. Focus of the program is to build comfort while standing on the pedals, consistent brake control using hand brakes (not feet), improve shifting efficiency, have fun and build overall trail awareness!
Requirements: Brave Beginnings should be self sufficient on the bike, able to ride in control on dirt, pavement, or grass. Riders will often spend 2 seasons in the Brave Beginnings program.
Expected Trails: Playground, 1st Grade, Honor Roll, Field Day, 3rd Grade.
Program will take place at Family Man and/or Golden Eagle Bike Park, weather dependent.
Brave Beginnings Spring After School:
Monday Program: 3:30-5:30. May 5th - June 2nd (No program on Mem Day. Waitlist
Tuesday Program: 4:00 - 6:00. May 6th - June 3rd (Program Full! You can add yourself to the Waitlist.)
NEW PROGRAM: Thursdays: 3:30-5:30. May 8 - June 5th
Brave Beginnings Summer:
June 14th and 15th. 10:00am-2:00pm (Waitlist)
June 16th - 18th OR June 23rd - 26th. 9am - 1pm.
NOTE: If you’re unable to register, the program is FULL! Please add yourself to the Waitlist!
4. Young Brave Explorers
For 7-9 year olds or 1st-3rd grade. Intermediate - Advanced. He/She/They.
An advanced Brave Beginnings, the Young Brave Explorers (YBE) program is designed for kids who’ve either taken a Brave Beginnings class and are ready for more or kids looking to progress their skills in a more advanced setting. Focus of program: steep descents, riding over small features, the fundamentals of jumps and small drops, efficient shifting, and climbing.
Requirements: 1) Comfortable coasting on the bike while standing with level pedals (pancake pedals). 2) Consistent brake control (no dragging of the feet or skidding). 3) Riding steep descents such as the first or second second Klee drop and/or the start ramp to 1st grade. 4) Have ridden trails such as Float On, Remix, and/or Kleeway
Expected Trails: Kleeway, Honor Roll. 3rd grade, 5th grade, Lower GP, Baby GP, Eldorado
Program will be based out of Family Man.
YBE Spring After School:
Wednesdays 3:30-5:30. May 7th - June 4th.
YBE Summer:
June 30th - July 3rd. 9am - 1pm.
5. Brave Unicorns
For 8-10 year olds or 3rd-5th grade. Intermediate. He/She/They.
Brave Unicorns is designed for kids who have an equal passion for progressing their MTB skills and outside whimsical play. Get ready to ride bikes and hoot and holler like your favorite animal (a unicorn of course!).
Requirements: 1) Comfort standing while coasting with level pedals (pancake pedals). 2) Consistent brake control (no dragging of the feet). 3) Can ride over small obstacles such as rocks or roots but want more practice. 4) Ready to progress towards steeper terrain such as all 3 Klee drops.
Expected Trails: All trails at Family Man, Mix Tape, lower 8 track, Float On, Lower GP, Kleeway.
Program will be based out of Family Man.
6) Brave Endeavors TEAMS: U 12 and U 15
Age: Under 12. and Under 15 Intermediate - Advanced.
The Brave Endeavors TEAM riders want to prioritize skill development and push their comfort zone in all aspects of mountain biking from shredding corners, jumps and drops, to riding tech, steep descents and even climbing! TEAM riders will ride with Brave Endeavors founder, Bekah Rottenberg, once per week and work to not only hone their MTB skills but mindset regarding physical and mental challenges. TEAM riders will work to foster a TEAM environment of support and camaraderie. It will be awesome!
Local racing is encouraged but not required for this group.
Requirements: TEAM riders should have a solid MTB background of at least 2-3 years and feel comfortable with the following: Braking - smooth, controlled braking at faster speeds. Shifting - you anticipate terrain and can shift accordingly. Pressure - Compressing your suspension and utilizing wheel lift skills to get over small (a couple inches high) obstacles. Obstacles - Confidence rolling over obstacles that do not require wheels to leave the ground. Uphill - Can climb wider switchbacks and turns that aren't too steep. Drops - hitting the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Klee Drops. Jumps/Rolling Jumps - comfortable on 3rd grade, rolling 5th grade and interested in progressing!
U 12 TEAM: Tuesdays. 3:45-6:15 pm. May 6th - June 3rd
U 15 TEAM: Mondays. 3:30-6:30pm. May 5 - June 2nd (No program on Memorial Day) + Thurs, May 29th
TEAM practice will vary in location but be based out of Post Canyon.
7. Brave Introductions +
For 11-14 year olds. Intermediate. He/She/They
For middle school kids who are new to mountain biking or who’ve had some instruction but are looking to build greater confidence and progress. This program will teach kids the foundational mtb skills to ride most intermediate trails in Post Canyon. Open to high school kids as well!
Requirements: 1) Comfort standing on the bike and coasting with level pedals (pancake pedals). 2) Consistent brake control (no dragging of the feet). 3) Can ride over small obstacles such as rocks or roots but would love more practice
Anticipated Trails: Trails and features at Family Man, Remix, 8 track, the boot, Kleeway, GP, Float On, Mitchel Ridge
Program will start at Family Man and Finish at Post Canyon Staging Area.
Brave Intro +: Wednesday’s 4:00-6:30 pm. May 7th - June 4th
8. Dirt Surfers (Summer Only)
For 8-11 year olds. Intermediate - Advanced. He/She/They.
Designed for kids who are already comfortable on the mountain bike looking to prioritize skill development and push their comfort zone.
Requirements: 1) Braking - smooth, controlled braking at faster speeds. 2) Shifting - you anticipate terrain and can shift accordingly. 3) Pressure - Compressing your suspension and utilizing wheel lift skills to get over small (a couple inches high) obstacles. 4) Drops - hitting the 1st and 2nd Klee Drops. 5) Jumps/Rolling Jumps - comfortable on 3rd grade, able to roll through 5th grade and interested in progressing!
Anticipated Trails: GP, lower dirt surfer, BMS, Mitchell Ridge, Kleeway. Climbs: Remix, 8 track, and spaghetti factory.
Program will start and end at Post Canyon Staging Area (the very bottom of Post Canyon)
Dirt Surfers: June 16th - 18th 8:45-1:45
9. Shreditas (Summer Only)
For 7-10 year olds. Intermediate - Advanced. She/They.
Shreditas is an intermediate-advanced program designed for kids who identify as she/her or she/them and want to progress their MTB skills in a fun and supportive environment!
1) Comfort standing on the bike and coasting with level pedals (pancake pedals). 2) Consistent brake control (no dragging of the feet). 3) Can ride over small obstacles such as rocks or roots but would love more practice. 4) Ready to progress towards steeper and harder terrain such as the Klee drops, Bad Motor Scooter, and Mitchel Ridge
Anticipated trails: Family Man, GP, Kleeway, BMS, Mitchel Ridge, Remix, 8 Track.
Shreditas: June 23rd - 25th. 9:00am-2:00pm.
10. Brave Adventures (Summer Only)
The most advanced of the Brave Endeavors Kid offerings outside the TEAMS program. Designed for middle school kids who want to prioritize skill improvement and push their comfort zone. While fun is always a priority, this program has high expectations and produces fantastic results. 6th - 8th grade. He/She/They
Requirements: Kids must be able to ride down trails such as Mitchell ridge and Bad Motor Scooter and be willing to climb trails such as 8 track, 7 streams, and mobius.
Coach: Bekah Rottenberg
Dates coming. Reach out HERE if interested!
11. Brave Sheroes (Summer Only)
For middle school kids who are intermediate-advanced riders and want to prioritize building confidence, having fun, and improving their mtb skills. 6th - 8th grade. She/They
Requirements: Kids must be able to ride down Mitchell ridge and climb trails such as 8 track or 7 streams.
Summer only! July 22-24. 9:00am-2:00pm
Coach: Bekah Rottenberg
Dates coming. Reach out HERE if interested!