Brave Endeavors Coaching Philosophy
Photo by Colin Meagher
“Confidence occurs when the insidious self-perception that you ‘aren’t able’ is trumped by the stark reality of your achievements.” - The Confidence Code (Kay and Shipman)
My coaching philosophy places your needs, mental and physical, front and center. We begin each clinic with the end in mind. You state your goals and we work to develop a process best suited for you, to find success. Obstacles and challenges are tackled from a mindset and skill perspective. Often you have the skill to ride a feature, but lack the confidence. Other times you genuinely have no idea what to do with your bike or body to get around that dang corner, over those crazy roots, or up and over the jagged rock. Improve both your mental confidence and your physical skills with coaching! Find success on the mountain bike and get that ear to ear grin that leaves your cheeks sore and your fist flying in the air with pride. Brave Endeavors is more than a MTB Skills Clinic. It’s an opportunity for you to rewire your brain through physical and mental accomplishments, increase your confidence, embrace new challenges, and ultimately, Be More Brave!
Four key steps are integrated into all Brave Endeavors coaching:
Photo by Colin Meagher
Beginner’s Mind. At the start of all clinics, you are encouraged to adopt a beginner’s mind. This mental state of “newness” allows you to let go of past experiences, expectations, and attachment to outcomes. You open yourself up to trying and recognize failure is part of learning and you may mess up at least 180 times before you nail a new skill.
FLOW. Many of us, especially women, have a hard time turning off our brain. Thoughts flood in like waters during a storm, muddying the clarity we long for. Thoughts such as:
I can’t ride over that log because it’s too big.
I’m embarrassed to even try
Last time I crashed.
What if I get stuck…
I have a million things to do at home…